To anyone contemplating a healthier lifestyle,
So, firstly I know it's been a few weeks but I'm going to get back into the swing of things soon. I love December so I'll be much more active then. As for this post, I have to start by apologising to everyone who knows me and then I have a confession. I am a whiny little brat when someone tells me what to do. It's not the best trait, but it's one I've exhibited quite a lot this past month or so.
I've had to have a couple of trips to the doctors recently, and as such, I was told that being stricter with my diet was compulsory for me. Now, the operative words here: "I was told". And whenever that happens, I naturally want to rebel. I know, it's pathetic but it is what it is!
It's not that I was particularly unhealthy or anything, but in order to keep certain things at bay, I had to be careful of what I was putting into my body and after a year of tolerating those symptoms, I knew I had to listen and alter my lifestyle but I also knew that it was my body and ultimately I wanted it to be my choice.
Anyone who knows me jokes that I'm as thin as a branch and that I eat as much as a baby would but they also know that I love food. The more indulgent, the better. Anything potato based, anything fried and flavourful, and anything sweet. I have the biggest sweet tooth and for that reason alone, I was not okay with this.
Now, I'm not prideful enough to ignore what I knew my body needed but I am whiny enough that I was sure as hell going to make a fuss while I did it. If you need an image of the extent of my complaints, think of moaning Myrtle and you'll be pretty close to how annoying I was being.
My poor mum has to deal with the brunt of it as she would feel so bad when I would mope around eating veggies and she knew all I was craving was some roast potatoes and red meat. She's been so helpful in motivating me to keep up with this whole clean eating thing.
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Photo credit: Sanaa Sheikh |
I think that's a big part of why so many people try and then struggle to keep up with a sustained diet of healthy eating. That motivation is key. As it's nearly the end of the year, I know a lot of people will try to get back into good habits for the new year and I honestly think that if you can partner up with a loved one or a room mate or friend - anyone who can hold you accountable - you'll be so much more likely to follow through with it.
It's been a month now, of clean eating and it has been really difficult but it's always been an aim at the back of my mind. I wanted to be healthy and in the end, no matter how that's come about, I've at least achieved that for now. It really is true that a habit can be formed in 30 days (if you can stick it out that long!)
One of the more difficult parts about all of this was how severely I had to cut back on carbs, and I mean, seriously cut back. I used to have potatoes of some kind with practically every meal, and white bread was heavenly to me. Both of those are now strictly on the "do not eat" list and that still makes me really sad. But I survived. I substituted. Sweet potato and oats have been my new saviours. I'll see how long that love lasts though.
Another truly hard task was avoiding sweet baked goods. I love to bake and when you bake, you have to try your food; it's just a rule of life. But since I have to be careful with refined sugar, I've started looking into healthier alternatives and honestly, they don't taste the same. Coconut oil will never give the same richness as butter. I suppose here, moderation will be my best friend. I refuse to eat sub par desserts.
As a response to this lifestyle change, I've realised exactly how important self care really is. Over this month, I've gone from mopey and lethargic, sleeping all the time to being much happier than I have been in a very long time.
I remember starting this blog to promote positivity and thoughtfulness, especially towards ourselves and it's only now that I realise, that that is more than just a mind set, it's got to be a way of life in order to work well.
Due to this, I'm going to try to put up posts every Sunday, as part of a self care series. They will be posts about kindness, health, positive lifestyle choices and anything else I think of. Let's call it Self-care Sunday.
Have any of you had similar struggles and how did you see it through?
Until next time, be inspired...
Love, Z