Dear readers,
For me, movies are the next best thing after books and television... Okay, that makes it sound like my least favourite thing, but it's totally not! I just like stories; any story telling medium is it for me, expect for poems. I can like a good poem but they take some getting used to.
So I'm creating another blog series of posts where I can ramble and rave about what I've been watching and loving. It might not always be a movie, but I liked how 'movie magic' sounded as a name.
I have a raving review for a movie that I went to see on Sunday with a friend. It was a very last minute decision and that alone made it a good night. I love spontaneous plans; I think they always make for the best 'remember when' stories. We were going for dessert beforehand and the service was slow so we were a bit rebellious about it. We ordered to take away and then snuck it into the cinema.
*as a responsible adult, I'm not condoning this, even if the cinema snack prices are extortionate! But no desserts in the cinema guys*
It was the last viewing of the night so when we went in, it was as if we had the whole room to ourselves. That and hot desserts made for an amazingly peaceful night.
Anyway that's enough rambling about screenings! As the title suggests, we went to watch the intern. And if you are going to watch just one film for the whole year, it should be this one.
It's a comedy starring Robert de Niro as a retired company man who finds himself in an internship scheme with the company that Anne Hathaway's character, Jules, runs. It's s straight up comedy as well, which was all the more refreshing. Usually you see light comedies with more romance than storyline or some typical recycled slapstick routine, but this was lovely.
It's a hopeful story and I came away from it with a renewed sense of motivation for work and family and life. I think it would be something you could watch with all the family or certainly at least those in their late teens to twenties could watch with their parents as both the older and younger generation are shown to merge so gracefully.
I knew that I wanted to watch this as soon as I saw the trailer but what totally hooked me was that Nancy Meyers wrote it! I love love love her work. It's complicated and What Women Want, were films that I really enjoyed watching mostly with my mum.

It was definitely an inspiring movie. It ended at 1am but we were pumped to do something so I came straight home and typed this out. I'm sure I'll be off to watch it again soon enough, maybe dragging my mum along this time.
I'm smiling even as I write this; it was an inspiring film to say the least. And Anne Hathaway's wardrobe choices were so pretty and sassy, I want them all! It was a sort of Girlboss inspired moment and coincided with me actually reading the book, which is a topic of another blog post entirely.
I'm so motivated now to just do and create and I think that this feeling could not have come at a better time! I needed the push; who knew it would come from a movie!
If anyone has any recommendations for films or TV shows, let me know in the comments. I think next time, I might have to rave about one of my favourite television series instead.
Until next time, be inspired...
Love, Z
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