
Monday, 8 June 2015

Letter #8 - Ten ways to instantly feel better

Dear readers,

I've been in a much more melancholy mood than I usually am. With the stress of exams gone, I'm all of a sudden lost for what to do and honestly feeling slightly listless. From wanting to do something - anything - to make myself feel better, I found that I actually do have a go-to list of things that I do that, one way or another, make me feel better, even if just for a fleeting moment.

So here are ten things that I do to try to feel better or happier when I really don't even want to.

  1. Get dressed up - I collect a lot of pretty, over the top dresses and outfits and I love to wear them when I'm in a slump. I don't know what it is about nice clothes or a favourite outfit but it makes me feel prettier and more confident and definitely more ready to take on the world.
  2. Wear red lipstick - there is something so classic about a bright red lip that I absolutely adore. I love the history and glamour of the time that popularised red lipstick. I'm definitely not one for make-up but a red lip is something I cannot say no to.
  3. A long hot shower - Normally I hate baths; I'm too impatient and get far too bored in them. But a hot shower is just the thing to wake me up and relieve tension. Its amazing how well some water can brighten my mood.
  4. Paint my nails - Again, this is against the norm for me. Usually I hate the time it takes to do my nails properly and then maintaining them is another issue entirely. But when I need it, it always delivers to give me a boost. I think it comes down to the focus I put in to the task and the pretty end result that I get.
  5. Light some candles - This one is more for the light than the smell, for me. Just a few flickering candles dotted around my desk always gives off a feeling of immense calm, especially when all I want to do is sit alone in a dark room, as bleak as that may sound.
  6. Brush my hair - This is so therapeutic for me; when I was younger, my mother would brush my hair for 15 minutes straight very night to keep it healthy and doing this always brings back those lovely memories and just the simple feeling that everything is going to be all right in the end.
  7. Baking - While I may not relish the scent of candles, I would pay good money to always have my home smelling of freshly baked goods. So any time that I feel sad or restless, I bake...cookies, cakes, pies, anything. And then I share them out. I mean, who doesn't love some cake?!
  8. Watch a childhood movie - When all else fails, lounging around and watching a film is always a good bet. My go-to movies are anything Disney or if that fails, The Princess Bride. Now that is a film that I could watch over and over, and actually have done on my bad days.
  9. Read a favourite book with a cup of tea - A good book can work wonders for helping me to find a little hope. But the tea is also a really important part of this; it warms me (I'm forever cold :/) and also is just so comforting to hold while I read. A good, worn, and well loved paperback is always my favourite kind of book to hold and get drawn into but recently I've been converted over to e-readers, simply for ease of use. But the tea is a must.
  10. Write it all out - I just purge onto paper. I have tons of notebooks, one for every handbag, and I just write and write. Anything and everything that comes to mind. Sometimes just a to-do list, sometimes a motivational speech for myself, sometimes a new story idea. But always something. I find that purging all the listlessness and apathy from my mind helps me to start anew. 
So I know that none of those things were exactly earth-shattering, but sometimes I think it's the little things that can help. It may seem like these activities are only patching up the surface but at times that's the best kind. The superficial aspects of life can seep inside and have a bigger impact on us than we think and it's these happy reminders and feel good moments that can pull us out of our slump. And I just hope that if you're reading this, that you might find your own happiness inducing activities or try mine!

Until next time, be inspired...


1 comment:

  1. Not too sure I can relate to all of them ;) but I can definitely relate to the hot showers! Who doesn't love one of those?!
