
Saturday, 6 June 2015

Letter #7 - Heartache

Dear readers,

So a lot has happened recently and I'm feeling overwhelmed again. I've made some of the best friends I'll ever have in the last 8 months and it was really really hard leaving them for the summer. I have never been one to get attached to anyone or anything; I never thought I had it in me. But apparently I was wrong.

I was also wrong about the concept of heartache. To me, heartache has always been this surreal over dramatised ideal; the stuff of Hollywood movies and romance novels. I think for once I can safely say that I was a tad naive about this.

While I always believed it to be a romanticised acknowledgement of pain and hurt, I only just experienced it for myself and I can say with certainty that it is an real as any other emotion. And it sucks!

I've spent 4 days feeling like my heart was in a vice grip, the fist of whom may as well belong to the Rock and his giant hands. It definitely hurts as much as I can imagine one of his punches would do.

Now it must sound as though I have been through some traumatic romantic ordeal but it's much simpler than that. The pain comes from missing people; namely my friends, the people who have become like family to me. And I imagine that if it hurts this much for friends, that a heartache of a romantic magnitude may just break me entirely. It's safe to say that I'm glad, that that isn't a concern for now.

Anyway, I just wanted to ramble about my naivety because it's not a feeling I've ever believed to apply to me and now it does. Funny how life drops things like that in your lap when you least expect it. I suppose I was due for a life lesson and I have definitely gotten one!

Let me know, if any of you have any stories to share on heartache and how to make it all okay again. Because I have yet to figure it all out.

Until next time, be inspired...


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