
Saturday, 22 November 2014

Letter #4 - Relax.

Dear readers,

I found this quote on Pinterest this morning at the absolute moment that I needed it. I wasn't planning on uploading anything at all until the semester was over and yet reading that compelled me to get back to this; to writing and to doing what I love. And most importantly, it reminded me to relax!

Society as a whole is so busy nowadays and the world is bustling with people doing amazing, beautiful, creative things every second of every day. But with that achievement of doing things, there can also be an underlying pressure to achieve more and do more and be more. And with that, people burn out. Right now, I'm watching myself burn out and turn into this wandering wreck of a person. And yet I have maybe only lived a quarter of my life and I am already condemning myself as a ‘failure’.

The line that really resonated with me was that “time takes time”. I think that is so aptly put. Time as a concept is not something we can control; it will do things in its own way and definitely in its own time :P the way that modern life goes, we are far too used to control and order and rigidity in our lives that when things are out of our control, we don’t know how to process it. Just because we have given time a name and given a day the set number of hours that we have, and the weeks and months are numbered and named as we want them to be, that does not mean that we grow and blossom with the time that passes. Unfortunately in watching the clock and in counting down the time it will take you to be an adult, to get a career, to find love, to live happily ever after, we don’t notice the things that pass us by. The days that we won’t and can’t get back.

I will never get back this time that I am spending in writing this post and I will never feel exactly the same as I do in this moment. But I'm glad for that, because right now I'm content in letting my life happen the way it needs to happen. Regardless of the people I know and the deadlines I have and all the other stress in my life. I just need to live to the best of my ability and feel things as strongly as they come. In doing this, I won’t fail at life. At least not today.

Until next time, be inspired…




  1. Your blogs inspire me so much. Especially this one!
